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( 0800 288 653 )

Car Keys

Replacement Car Keys Tauranga
Onsite Car Key Cutting - We Come to You!

Keys4Cars are fully trained auto locksmiths.
Using the latest automotive technology and quality products we can save you time and money on car key solutions in and around the Tauranga areas. Ph. 0800AUTOKEY (0800288653)
Keys4Cars have fully trained independent auto locksmiths that can quickly supply you with replacement car keys for most make and models of cars being driven on New Zealand Roads.

We have state of the art diagnostic programming equipment, meaning we’re able to cut and program keys for virtually most car makes and model of vehicle. Whether a newer model with the latest key technology or an older model, our locksmiths are experienced in dealing with all manner of issues, no matter if in Tauranga, Waihi, Matamata, Rotorua or anywhere else in the BOP.

Click on your manufacturer to find out more about replacing your car keys:

Cant find your car? No worries, just send us an enquiry on via the form below.
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